jueves, 6 de agosto de 2009

Capacitación para Comunidad Latina en Los Ángeles por Polo Gómez

Polo en Penal de Sonsuntepeque/El Salvador
Foto Mario Alberto Reyes/Agencia Noticias NotieSe

August 5, 2009
Name: Polo Gomez
Company/Organization: Colectivo Sol, A.C./Condomovil

Workshop Name: Taller teórico practico sobre sexualidad responsable
e informada.

Dear Mr. Gomez

We are writing on behalf of Alianza, the Los Angeles County Latino Caucus on HIV/AIDS and its distinguished Honorary Host Committee, We are proud to accept your Workshop application to participating in this year’s conference. The conference is scheduled to take place on Saturday September 19, 2009 at the Wilshire Grand Hotel located on 930 Wilshire blvd. Los Angeles, Ca. 90017

Enclosed you will find all of the information you will need for the day of the event. Should you for any reason be unable to present your workshop or should have any questions Please notify me at (323) 727-7896.

You are scheduled to present at : Session one 11:35am-12:45 pm

If you have any question please feel free to contact us to the followed phone number.

Thanks in advance for you support in

"Culture, Stigma, Prevention, ¿What is your Action?


Silvia Valerio Fernando Licona
svalerio@bienestar.org flicona@bienestar.org
Phone: 323 727-7896 Phone: 323-752-3100
Fax: 323-727-7985 Fax: 323-752-3420

Programs subcommittee ALIANZA conference 2009

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